Here is a list of some information for workers in Ontario to be familiar with.

The websites below give guidance on the rights and responsibilities of employees and their employers, in this province and across the country. 

Note: The websites will open in a new window.

This handy guide to the Employment Standards Act (ESA) describes the rules about topics such as minimum wage, hours of work limits, public holidays, and more.

Employment Standards Act

The Ontario Labour Relations Board assists workers under a  variety of Ontario laws, such as the Labour Relations Acts (1995), Occupational Health & Safety Act, and Employment Standards Act. 

This website contains forms, information about accessing their services, as well as listed decisions.

Ontario Labour Relations Board

Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) works with unions and labour councils to make change in legislation which affects health, education, workplace safety, employment standards, and various workers' rights. 

Ontario Federation of Labour

The Canadian Labour Congress is the largest labour organization in Canada, bringing together dozens of national and international unions, provincial and territorial federations of labour and community-based labour councils to represent more than 3 million workers across the country.

Learn about fair working conditions, pay and benefits, retirement security, gender equality, and other important topics.

Canadian Labour Congress

CLC Logo


The Workers Health and Safety Centre is a worker-to-worker training program facilitator, following occupational health and safety laws. The programs identify, assess, and control potential dangerous working conditions, as per Ontario law.

Workers Health & Safety Centre


This neutral branch of the Ontario Government aims to support sucessful and stable labour relations by providing access to open and transparent information. On this website you will find information about Collective Agreements, an industry snapshot, and searches for employers or collective agreements.

Collective Bargaining Ontario


Information here is for all workers acrosss Canada to learn about workplace hazards, rights and responsibilities, health and wellness, injury prevention, compensation and the federal Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System.

Workplace Health and Safety

Workplace Health & Safety (CAN) Logo

This website put together has information for all workers to know the laws, their rights, and find programs to ensure health and safety on the job. Information here is for workers all across Canada.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety