
Your workplace should be free of fear and discrimination. Unfairness in the workplace based on age, gender or ability is addressed by your Union. They will negotiate for accommodations for a disability, they will educate employers about equity for all, regardless of age, gender, race, and other factors. Your Union will empower workers, thereby preserving and promoting their dignity.


Your union is your voice on the job. Ensuring employers protect employees, and adhere to provincial and federal worker legislation.

Communicating with the employer, handling grievances, negotiating, and getting sound legal advice are some of the tools and methods our Business Agents and Business Managers use to work for you. Only Union members have just-cause protection at work, this goes a long way for JOB SECURITY. Simply put, you cannot be fired or disciplined by your Employers without a fair and valid reason. If you are wrongly disciplined or terminated, only Union members have a legally-binding grievance procedure to resolve the issue.


Union workers earn 25 percent more pay than nonunion workers, they are likely to receive health care and pension benefits than those without a union. Unions build POWER for working people; coming together can bring about workplace improvements without fear of retaliation. this POWER will also negotiate a Collective Agreement ensuring respect, and no bulling or unfairness, on the job.

Fair Wages

Your union will negotiate good benefits, wages, and retirement security. Often, it is the voice of the union that ensures wages and benefits keep up with the cost of living.

On average, Canadian Union workers earn $5/hour MORE than non-union workers. For women, it is even greater. Women Union members earn almost $7/hour MORE than other non-union female workers.


An organized workplace can win protections against workplace hazards and provide stronger rights for workers. Your voice, brought forth by the union during collective bargaining, will be heard, and your safety and health in the workplace will be maintained.